Transformation of a Nastika to Asthika:Story of Kannadasan
Decades before there lived a laureate poet Kannadasan who was fondly called Kaviarasar meaning the king of poets known for his magnificent writing and Eloquent oratory skills swaying people’s emotions. He has won several accolades and awards to his name and was leading the cinema industry as an undisputed leader in lyrical poetry. As dark Clouds shade bright sun he was lured by Dravidian atheistic movement and was leading a Charvaka life being Voci ferrous against Sanathana Dharma and it’s scriptures with much fervor.
In one such event, Kannadasan critiqued Kanchi mutt straight opposite to the mutt in a meeting with very derogatory remarks. This was when a miracle happened. Weeks later, after the meeting Kannadasan, along with his friend Sando Chinnappa thevar While returning in their car met with an accident where kannadasan is hospitalized to much surprise there were no injuries for thevar. Thevar got very anxious and afraid by the accident and went straight to Kanchi mutt(close in proximity to accident location) explaining the incident and turn of events to his holiness Kanchi Mahaperiyava being an ardent devotee of his holiness. Holiness consoled him and gave him sacred ash asking thevar to apply it in the forehead of Kannadasan, who is bedridden in ICU, fighting to return to normalcy. Though thevar returned from the mutt he was taken back by his conscience since Kannadasan is an atheist and a Dravidian ideologist who vehemently voices against Hinduism. Still going by the words of his holiness, he applied sacred ash on kannadasan forehead and returned home. The very next day thevar got astonished by the sight of Kannadasa n sitting in his bed with all conscience within few hours of doctors terming it critical case to survive. That’s when thevar understood the divine grace of Kanchi Acharya saving Kannadasan and he explained the sequence of events to Kannadasan about his experience with the Holiness.
Kannadasan on hearing with melted heart realized the grace & wisdom of the holy saint and felt the guilt of using defamatory words in his meetings. Still, the guru has showered him his blessings Kannadasan point of realization of self came here. This is the break-even point of kannadasan from Nastika. He returned to Asthika embraced Santhana Dharma and wrote treasures like “Arthamula Hindu Matham” (Profound Wisdom of Hindu Religion). This real-life Incident is a testimony for the fact by the grace of guru no stone will leave unturned, for he alone can transform the lives of even a non Believer with his benevolence.