The Monk of the Century
Jagadguru Shri Chandrasekhraendra Saraswati fondly called Mahaperiyava meaning the eldest among seers was truly a visionary and architect of modern-day Hinduism. His unparalleled wisdom, profound knowledge in scriptures, and spiritual texts undisputedly make him timeless steel of Sanathana Dharma in the 21st century.
Maha Swamigal was born at Villupuram, due to unforeseen circumstances he had to ascend the Kanchi Kamokati Peetham as a foremost leader (Madathipathi) at a tender age of 13. Kanchi Kamokati Peetham is a famous religious institution set up by one of the great philosophers of Bharatham, Shri Adi Shankaracharya. Shankara Bhagavatpadal is one of the prime exponents of Advaitha Vedanta who traveled across Bharatha condemned nastika sampradayas and unified beliefs into a Smartha sampradaya (Unification of worship of six prime deities). He can be regarded as the father of Hinduism since tenets of Hinduism are highly influenced by Smartha sampradaya. Kanchi mutt is one such prominent Advaita monastery which propounds Smartha sampradaya has a rich history of an unbroken lineage of 70 acharyas. These Acharyas are primarily called as Shankaracharya’s following the Dashanami tradition.
Assuming such a big role or in other words, being principle head of traditions of the 2500-year-old prominent religious institution at a young age, acharya started learning scriptures from renowned scholars. Within no time he mastered all scriptures, languages attaining all qualities ordained for principle head of a matha. His mastery and erudite wisdom are clearly visible from experiences of renowned scholars with his holiness which are an absolute delight to hear filled with the sweet nectar of philosophical insights.
His holiness is mainly known for his simplicity and being easily approachable. He has traveled across the country reaching out to people of diversified culture bestowing discourses on various aspects of dharma, culture, and practices. Even at his ripe age of 80’s he undertook Dig Vijaya across various parts of the country traveling more than 10000 kilometers on foot. Most of his discourses in different languages have been compiled into a book called “Deivathin Kural” (The voice of God). It’s a must-have book for every Hindu who desires a deeper understanding of traditions and practices of Hindu dharma and it’s inner meaning.
His holiness was instrumental in setting up pathshala for different shakas of the Vedas reviving ancient traditions and bridging the gap of scholars. Some of the shakas are alive with a handful of renowned scholars in the present day is mainly because of acharya being instrumental in reviving such schools bridging access. Scholars with mastery were encouraged to train more students thus giving new life for several branches of Veda shakas and scriptures.
Another important aspect is his ability to connect with common people, he was a spiritual leader for masses. His holiness was a perfect reflection of devotee’s thoughts who is able to give impeccable solutions and clarify doubts irrespective of devotee’s knowledge plane. His holiness grace is identical for a Vedic scholar with astounding knowledge and also to a common man who has limited knowledge on scriptures, this can be clearly realized when devotees from diversified backgrounds reminisce their experience with Acharya. His holiness embraced devotee’s of other sampradayas as his own and garnered huge respect from head seers of prominent mathas for his simplicity, unflinching efforts to save dharma even at difficult times. His holiness is a truly a Nadamadum deivam (Walking God) as fondly called by his devotees whose presence is felt, whose grace is showered upon even after years of his siddhi. Holiness words and wisdom acts as a guard, strength and gives innate ability to mitigate tough times as holiness Dalai lama rightly called paramacharya as “The only monk of the century”.
Sri Gurubhyo Namaha
About the Author
Vasanth is a passionate Electrical Engineer both by education and profession. His deep interest includes industrial automation and process excellence with the demonstrated professional expertise of leading several projects improving the operating model of large industrial processes with high efficiency and effectiveness. Beyond profession, he is a spiritually inclined person who is always in the quest of ‘knowledge of non-dual self. You can reach him out Vasantha Raghavan Nandakumar