The Debt of the Mutt
Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam is a famous religious institution and it has the utmost importance for all Dharmik activities mutt is engaged into. Various pontiffs of the mutt are said to be benevolent givers and they donate a vast amount of wealth of the peetam to the needy. There were times when peetam had a very shortage of funds and running day to day affairs of the mutt itself is a herculean task, this was the case during the initial times of Mahaperiyava. There was a small Chettiar shop near to the mutt premises Who lend essential groceries to the peetam on debt. Overtime this debt grew to a big amount still the Chettiar never hesitated to give away groceries as he believed it is a small service by him to the Acharya. Once acharya set on to Dig Vijaya to places across the country when he returned back to Kanchi, he was quite surprised to see the shop being closed where he found that Chettiar due to a money crunch closed down the shop and left the city and moved to a new place in finding new fortune. None was knowing about the whereabouts of the Chettiar. Years later a young man was standing in queue for Darshan of his holiness. His Holiness called him and asked the mutt representatives to present him with Holy offerings, prasaadam, and money. Everyone around was quite astonished and taken aback by surprise. His holiness acharya explained that he is no other than the son of the Chettiar who lent groceries to the peetam when it had a shortage of resources. Hence He is repaying the debt of the peetam incurred long back. This incidence taught a life lesson of the importance of repaying the debt one has incurred and accountable for. Periyava taught all Devotees by action rather than in words on how one should be accountable for his actions.