Guru Parampara- The Pillar of Sanathana Dharma
GururDevo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha
(Salutations to the guru who is the Creator, Sustainer and the destroyer, who is the limitless one)
From the above verses, it’s very much clear the importance given to a guru in Sanathana Dharma. Guru is perceived as one who can shed light in the darkness engrossed by the disciples and who can lead him to the path of righteousness by imparting the supreme knowledge of the self.
Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima marks the birthday of Shri Veda Vyasa who has done extraordinary service to Vedic dharma by categorizing Vedas, authoring highly revered Mahabharatham which also encompasses supreme Bhagavat Gita. He is known to be the father of Vedanta. Guru parampara of various Vedantic sampradayas consists of Vyasacharya’s divine name to offer their reverence to the father of Brahma sutras. It also marks the beginning of Chaturmasya vrata where sanyasis stay in a location for 4 months indulging in deep mediation and blessing disciples with their spiritual grace.
Its alone grace of a guru that enlightens an individual. Blessings of a guru will transform one filled with wisdom and transpires you from the innermost core of your being.
Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi says “The Guru works from within and helps the man to see his mistakes and guides him in the right path until he realizes the self within”.
There is an interesting anecdote that symbolizes the grace of a guru. Giri is one of the disciples of Shankara Bhagavatpadal whose other disciples are highly learned Padmapada, Suresvaracharya, and Hastamalaka.On the other end, Giri is much interested in devout services doing all personal comforts to his Acharya than learning scriptures, due to this other disciple of the acharya didn’t have a high opinion towards Giri and had misconception towards his intellect. Once during an exposition, Shankara Bhagavatpadal was waiting for Giri to finish his chores before he could begin, this made other disciples impatient questioning Acharya on why to wait for a person whose is no better than a wall. Acharya couldn’t relish this remark and in no time with a mental flash bestowed Giri with a supreme knowledge of all scriptures. Upon his return from the river to much amusement of everyone Giri was singing all in praise of his guru in 8 octet verses of supreme rendition namely “Totakastakam“. For his utter devotion and complete surrender towards his Guru Shankara, Giri was initiated into the order with the title Totakacharya and bestowed with a supreme knowledge of non-dual self.
Guru’s words or his silence are the embodiment of absolute truth which alone can grace a disciple and purify his mind and drive within oneself. It’s impossible to comprehend the grace of a guru in fullness which is doing wonders within own self which can’t be perceived outside.
On this auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, everyone shall offer devout reverence to the supreme guru who can save us from illusionary Maya, never-ending cycle of samsara, and lead us to the path of Self — Inquiry.
About the Author:
Vasanth is a passionate Electrical Engineer both by education and profession. His deep interest includes industrial automation and process excellence with the demonstrated professional expertise of leading several projects improving the operating model of large industrial processes with high efficiency and effectiveness. Beyond profession, he is a spiritually inclined person who is always in the quest of ‘knowledge of non-dual self. You can reach him out @Vasanth